Tranquility Press
In the tradition of Little House on the Prairie, a young girl in rural 1940s Texas learns courage and integrity in her adventures.
Mysterious sounds from a sack her dad brought home
A puppy under the house
New friends
A house that must be haunted
Fun at church and school
A snake in the yard
These are a few of the adventures Ann faces with the love and support of her family.
From the Author:
This small, fun book is appropriate for children through grandparents.
A rural spot called Barstow, Texas provided the setting for most of the stories. The author gained new insights about her parents, grandmothers, and family members as she wrote Ann’s stories. Her parents maintained a climate of love, and she owes them so much. Maybe the values they lived will speak to some of you.
Once, when telling one of the stories to her great-granddaughter Daisy, the child asked, “Is this real life?” The author replied, “Yes, these are real-life stories of growing up in West Texas.” No wars, no romance, no curse words, and no violence. Just good old real life.