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An in-depth and highly readable one-stop manual on more enlightened child care. ~Kirkus Reviews

The perfect combination of child-development research and grandmotherly wisdom. . . a practical roadmap for raising a child in the 21st century. ~Kirsten Brunner, LPC, co-author of The Go-To Guide for New Dads

Being a good parent is the most challenging—and meaningful—job anyone can assume. The manner in which parents and other caregivers fulfill this task will impact the future of the child, as well as the world.

In Parenting with Kindness & Consequences, parents and grandparents are encouraged to nurture children from birth, with many examples and tips on how to compassionately guide them through each stage of development.

An important part of loving a child includes setting appropriate limits. Methods are examined in detail, along with how to respond both kindly and firmly when children push the boundaries. The good news is that when corrections or consequences match behaviors in ways that help a child learn, no punishment need occur. Severe challenges (such as cruelty to others, stealing, and lying) are examined with a focus on healing.

Although this book focuses on early childhood, the same principles apply to older children, teens, and young adults.

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