Tranquility Press
If you have an idea or a partial manuscript but are unsure how to proceed, we can help you develop your idea into a published book.
If you have a completed draft but need help polishing the manuscript, we provide all levels of editorial services.
Interior page design
and cover design--we can help with both.
We can also format your book for self-publishing.
To submit a manuscript for possible publication with Tranquility Press, scroll down to the Submissions section.
We accept submissions by email. All submissions must contain the following information: your name, contact information, title of work, genre, and word count. We accept most genres including nonfiction but do not accept horror or erotica or works containing such scenes.
Include the word "Submission" in the subject line with the title of your work. Paste the first two chapters below the required information. Do not attach files. Send to TranquilityPress@gmail.com.